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Old Gardeners never die. They just spade away then throw in the trowel. -- H.V. Prochnow, Sr
A snail can sleep for 3 years
To make one pound of honey, bees must tap 2 million flowers.
Mosquito repellents don't repel. They hide you. The spray blocks the mosquito's sensors so they don't know you're there.
Oak trees do not produce acorns until they are fifty years of age or older.
Summer Flowering Trees

Southern Catalpa
Catalpa bignonioides
The Catalpa is a deciduous tree with very large heart shaped leaves. The Northern and Southern Catalpa's are very similar but the Northern variety has larger leaves. They produce a long bean type pod which litters the ground in fall. Suitable all southern zones except the Tropical South.

Crepe Myrtle
Lagerstroemia indica
There are about 50 species of Crepe Myrtle and the zones vary with species. They can be evergreen or deciduous and come in a wide variety of colorful long lasting blooms.

Japanese pagoda tree
Sophora japonica
A fast growing, heat and drought resistant that prefers open and sunny locations. Bloom time is from late summer to early fall after the tree reaches about 10 to 15 years of age. 6 to 8 inch yellow seed pods follow the flowers. A nice selection for the Upper, Middle, and Lower South.

Southern Magnolia
Magnolia grandiflora
Native to the Southeastern United States the Southern Magnolia is an evergreen with large dark green leaves and white fragrant flowers. It will grow to 90 feet and the flowers can be 12 inches across. Recommended for the Upper, Middle, Lower, and Coastal South.