Lace Related Links

The purpose of this page is to offer links to sites all over the world, with information on purchasing lace supplies by mail order or on the internet as well as connecting to other personal sites. You may also find lace information and images at museum and lace guild sites. There are several places to communicate with other lacemakers on the internet in forums and chat rooms. I maintain The Lacemaker's Cottage Message Forum and Chat site on Delphi Internet. Delphi is also the host for this website. There are several others coming on-line. Explore the wonderful world of lace on these pages as well as at sites to which I have provided links.

If you know of a site that should be listed here, please e-mail the information to me so that I can list the site.
 Lacemaking Supplies  Personal Lace Sites Museums and Guilds

Ann McClean

Biggins Bobbins

Cherub Comforts

Honiton Lace Shop

Kenn Van Dieren's Bobbin Page

Saraphi Lace

Silverpin Studio

VanSciver Bobbin Lace

BRIAN 's Bobbin Page


Lace Information

Steph's SRS

Mainly Lace in This Place

Allhallows Lace Museum

The Lace Guild




 Message Forums Live Chat Rooms Email Lists
 The Lacemaker's Cottage -- Requires free registration on Delphi Internet.  The Lacemaker's Cottage Requires free registration on Delphi Internet. Members who wish to do so can open a chat room and chat live, in real-time with other lacemakers, any place in the world. Arachne Lace Lists -Includes a mail list that is lace only, and a general lacemaker's chat list. All correspondance is by E-mail.


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