Beth's Boutique

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Site Updates:

I am so thrilled to say, I have won this quarters TES Challenge! I will have the graphics I submitted up later on today! Along with my award! WhhooHooo!

I have recently completed the course CopyrightCompliant! I am so excited! I have learned how to use all fractions of digital art legally!
I'll have my new certificate up later on today!

To view some of the graphics I made to earn or win the awards and certs displayed, Click HERE!

Dutchess' Honors

Beth's Boutique ~ Designs by Dutchess

Graphic Intense

I am going to be a bit prideful here. I am going to display all of my Certificates I have worked for. I am also going to display all of my awards, and the work that helped me to win them!

Many of my certificates are from GraphX Anonymous. I have taken almost every class they offer, loving every minute of it!

The awards are from TES Graphics Game Delphi Forum, which I have been a member of since the Summer of 2007.


PSP-X-101Grad PSP-X-102Grad PSP-CompleteGrad

Code1Grad Code2Grad Code1Grad3 Code1Grad4


Dollz-101Grad Dollz-102Grad

NoveltyAnimation-MC-Part Frames-MC-Part DecoSafetyPin-MC-Part Animation-MC-Part Scraping-MC-Part OuttaHere-MC-Part

FriendshipBadge FriendshipAward

TESSummerCamp-Part TESFallGame-Player -GATourney-Part TESScrapping-Player TESScrapping-Winner! 2008-1dutchess-winner.gif!

SigDutchess ~ Beth's Boutique ~ Siggie Sentral
All Rights Reserved