I hope to be able to give an insight into farm life with this site. Alot of people do not understand that Farm life is very intense work, and without the farmers, there would be no food for people or animals to eat. I come from a long line of Farmers starting back in the very early 1800's.
I have carried on some of this life style with my children, and they to their children. I also want to show how each generation has done something different, on different levels of farm life.
For example,My Grandparents raised cattle, and sheep, plus tilled the soil for corn, wheat and other grains. My Parents,when we lived in Michigan,had fruit orchards, raised Pigs, chickens for eggs,cattle for meat and our own milk. Then when we moved to Illinois,they continued with Grandpa's cattle, and sheep, plus corn, wheat, oats and of course chickens.
Myself, I really did not get into farm stuff, outside of a garden, until my husband retired from the army. my sons raised pigs, we had sheep, goats, and one cow for awhile. My grandchildren have tried several things, LeeAnna raised pigs, but switched to horses for pleasure and 4-H . Her brother,Kenny,IV and sister,Lacey and their cousin,Gaelen,all chose the horses.
There is more to farming than raising crops for food, and animals for food and pleasure. To see how each generation has done things differently,click on the links on the left hand column. Starting with My Grandparents.
©2008 All rights reserved by Naydine M Owens a.k.a. Lady Andy(ceramicgirl)