
The Growth Stock Forum

The Growth Stock Discussion Group welcomes you to our Home Page.

The purpose of our forum is to consider investment ideas derived from Ian Woodward and Ron Brown from High Growth Stock Investors. Of course, Can Slim Investors are welcome too! Learn how to make your own stock trading and investment decisions.

Our group is a work group and we encourage participation. We invite you to look around and join our intimate discussion group.

Please review our home page and be sure to review the Disclaimer at the bottom of the page.

Intro - MUST Reading! - What Our Group Is All About
The Code! - Learn The Canslim "jargon"
Canslim Definition - The Definition - i.e. What IS This Canslim?
Direct To The Forum - DIRECT To The Forum, And Canslim Discussion!

There is no cost to participate in our forum, we ask that posts be made in a cordial manner. Free confidential registration is requested.

Damm CatDISCLAIMER -The Growth Stock Forum is not affiliated in any way with HGSI, we are an independent discussion group. We merely follow the masters.

If you access the Growth Stock Forum Discussion Group Forum, you do so with the understanding that no one is responsible for your investment results except YOU. No other party/parties, including Butkus, Ian Woodward, Ron Brown, HGSI, Delphi Internet Services, the provider/author of this Web Page, members of the forum, are responsible for you or your investment results. If you lose it ALL it's YOUR problem not ours!!!! Don't even think about suing ANY of us! In addition blah blah blah.....Sheese what a bunch of wimps.........