Lots of folks are eager now
For war stories, all aglow.
They find me entertaining,
I was better years ago.
I couldn't tell a story then,
No one wanted to hear.
Shunned by tender society
For surviving over there.
Being called a baby killer
Didn't hurt that much.
I'd seen the hatred in their eyes,
Those professing a loving touch.
I wonder it didn't occur to some,
We fought nobly in a 'noble cause'.
And still, we might have stayed home
But for respect for our nation's laws.
I want to set the record straight.
I want everyone to see.
The struggle we lost was political
And it wasn't because of me.
The war was lost in Washington
And on the network news.
While we were fighting and dying,
Those who sent us changed their views.
Copyright 1983 Lou Rose All Rights Reserved.