William Branham and His Message

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William Branham Quote Book
Here we present a series of quotes which are actual statements William Branham made during the course of his ministry. They reflect some of his more unusual beliefs and opinions on a variety of subjects. The quotes are given in chronological order and are divided into four pages by date, followed by two more pages that present his views on Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

The William Branham Quote Book has been formatted so that each and every quote in the first four pages is linked to a discussion we've had at our "Examining the Message of William Branham" forum. Feel free to read what hundreds of members at our forum have had to say about the Message, or comment yourself on any given topic (free registration with Delphi Forums is required if you wish to post a comment).





Jesus According to William Branham

The Holy Spirit According to William Branham

This quote book is largely a collection of an early feature of this Website called, "The Quote of the Week." I must give credit to former Message Believer, Robert Moore of Phoenix, AZ, for his own 400+ page collection of William Branham quotes that he compiled while he was still a follower of the Message. And thanks to Doug Weaver for informing me of Mr. Moore's book and graciously sending me a copy of it. Many of the quotes which appear in this "William Branham Quote Book" were discovered during my perusal of Mr. Moore's compilation.

HomeControversial PropheciesControversial TeachingsIssues & Events in WMB’s LifeKey Message Scriptures /  William Branham Quote Book /  The Gospel