U.S. Constitution: How Fast to Amend?

The Constitution of the United States of America is amended from time to time. Often the amendment is in response to some court decision. Is there a historical reference for how long such an amendment might take to be ratified? In order to help answer that question this table was compiled from the description found at http://www.usconstitution.net/constamnotes.html.

A fascinating aspect of this question is that the two most recently ratified amendments represent both the fastest and slowest examples. In 1971 it took only 99 days for the people to nullify a controversial and deeply divided court decision. Then in 1992 after lying open for 74003 days (202 years), one of the original elements of the bundle included with the Bill of Rights was ratified.

The Date Approved is when Congress (or a constitutional convention) voted to by a 2/3 majority to send the amendment to the States for ratification. The Date Ratified is when the 3/4 (of the States) quota had been reached. The dates are given in YYYY/MM/DD format for ease of comparison.

Date Approved Date Ratified Elapsed Time
1..10 1789/09/25 1791/12/15 811 days
11 1794/03/04 1795/02/07 340 days
12 1803/12/09 1804/06/15 188 days
13 1865/01/31 1865/12/06 309 days
14 1866/06/13 1868/07/09 757 days
15 1869/02/26 1870/02/03 342 days
16 1909/07/12 1913/02/03 1302 days
17 1912/05/13 1913/04/08 330 days
18 1917/12/18 1919/01/16 394 days
19 1919/06/04 1920/08/18 441 days
20 1932/03/02 1933/01/23 327 days
21 1933/02/20 1933/12/05 288 days
22 1947/03/21 1951/01/27 1408 days
23 1960/06/17 1961/03/29 285 days
24 1962/08/27 1964/01/23 514 days
25 1965/07/06 1967/02/10 584 days
26 1971/03/23 1971/07/01 99 days
27 1789/09/25 1992/05/07 74003 days

Created on 27-NOV-2003 by George J. Carrette: http://alum.mit.edu/www/gjc.