Ashton Press for Fanfic (Fan Fiction), Our Stargate Discussion Forum, Fanzines, Cartoons, Photos, Calendars and more

Stargate SG-1 Links






Our Stargate Website - home of Our Stargate Forum. Check out the cast & crew interviews, the charity drives, cartoons, links to photos, convention reports, and more.

Our Stargate Forum - lots of discussion about Daniel and the SG-1 team. Home of the Intergalactic Babe, Slasher's Paradise and Countdown threads.

Our Stargate Discussion Forum




SDJ - Amazing site full of information about Michael Shanks and Daniel Jackson, with links to “hub” sites. It used to be the main website for the Save Daniel Jackson campaign but now that he's been saved and he's back where he belongs, with his team, it concentrates on news, spoilers and interviews.





Stargatefan - Huge website that's been around since the early days of stargate fandom and gets better every year. Gen archive is purely gen, no het (ship) or slash. Offers amazing selection of resources, pics, sound files, transcripts and more.





Daniel Fic - is a list of Stargate fanfiction writers who have Daniel as a main character in their stories. The list is ever-growing as more writers choose to participate. A useful resource if you're looking for fanfic with Daniel front and center.

Daniel Jackson Stargate Fanfic




Stargate SG-1 Cartoons by Leah Rosenthal – Artwork and cartoons by Leah Rosenthal.

Startoons Stargate SG-1 Cartoons by Leah Rosenthal


Gen Fanfic Links

Alphagate, The - all genre fic archive for The Alphagate Mailing list

Ancient's Gate - home of Jmas

Ashtonpress Stargate SG-1 zines – slash, gen and ship (but no Sam/Jack) zines with an emphasis on Jack and Daniel.

Bunnyfic Gen Archive - this is a link to the Gen section

Comfort Zone, The - mostly hurt/comfort fic. The archive for the SG1 HC Yahoo list

Daniel Jackson Fanfic Webring

Daniel's Diaries - fic by Scribe, home of the Shower Series

Grotto, The - website and archive of Graculus. Gen and slash fic.

Stargate SG1 Rec-A-Thon - Fic recs site

Tablet, The - fic by Jb, Ellen Caldera, Corby, Kev.

Tenaya's Tantalizing Tales - gen and slash by Tenaya. Home of Ace O'Neill


Alpha Jack

Ancient's Gate - home of Jmas fic and other goodies

Ashton Press Photos & Convention Reports - wonderful photos and convention reports! - has a focus on Daniel and Sam & Daniel

Classic Stargate SG-1 webring

Daniel In the Lion Pit

Dr Daniel Jackson Webring

Fanfiction On the Net - Hasn't been updated in a while but still a great resource

Joy's Stargate - The site is "Daniel Jackson-favored"

Junior's Website - home of Junior's fic

Seticat's Lair - home of Rowan (Seticat)

Stargate Daniel Friendly

Stargate SG1 Rec-A-Thon - fic recs

Stargate Fan - huge gen fanfiction archive, downloads, links, screen caps and much more)

Whatever Dials Your Gate. Collection of links to SG1 music videos of all kinds

Slash Fanfic Links

Area 52 - the main slash archive. Mostly Jack/Daniel

The Comfort Zone (mostly HC fic)

JD Archive home of Jackdaniels mailing list and archive.

JD Divas

Tenaya's Tantalizing Tales - gen and slash by Tenaya. Home of Ace O'Neill

The Alphagate - all genre fic

JackDaniels webring

The Grotto - website and archive of Graculus. Gen and slash fic

Minotaur's Sex Tips for Slash Writers

Daniel Jackson and Michael Shanks Webrings

Daniel and Sam Webring

Daniel Jackson Fanfic Webring

Dr. Daniel Jackson Webring

JackDaniels webring

The Michael Shanks Webring

Actor Websites

David DeLuise (Pete Shanahan)

Michael Shanks Online

Totally Shanks

Shamelessly Shanks

The Official Amanda Tapping Website



